It is a time-honored Catholic tradition to have Masses said in honor of a particular person and to provide Mass cards to comfort relatives, friends and loved ones.
This addendum is meant to correct a point contained in the “Liturgical Guidelines for the Year 2020 Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic” issued on March 24, 2020. Additionally, it extends the dispensation previously granted by Archbishop José H. Gomez from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Lastly, this addendum provides additional information and guidelines regarding the celebrations of Holy Week and the distribution of Holy Oils.
Archbishop Gomez reflects on the current situation and provides an update on the celebration of Sacraments in our parishes. (May 23, 2020) Archbishop José H. Gomez's full statement can be found here.
I hope you and your family are all well and I am sorry to have to deliver this message. We had all hoped the pandemic was behind us and that we were beginning to return to normal. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I am sorry to inform you Governor Newson this morning asked that we no longer hold indoor church services.
Update Regarding the Dispensation From the Sunday Obligation of Mass for the Year 2020 During the Coronavirus Pandemic (May 15, 2020) Archbishop José H. Gomez dispenses all the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and all Catholics currently in the Archdiocese from the obligation of attending Sunday Mass until further notice. Furthermore, the public celebration of Mass continues to be suspended in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles until further notice. Click here to read the liturgical guidelines.
LA Archdiocese Announces Closure of Churches to Help Stem Spread of Coronavirus Churches in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will be closed to the public until further notice as part of updated guidelines aimed at helping stem the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). The “extraordinary steps” announced by Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez late Tuesday also include closing parish offices to the public and suspending regular confession times. “Now more than ever, we must continue to anchor our hearts and minds in the abiding truth of God’s love for us, His sons and daughters,” the Archbishop said. “We remain strong in faith knowing that God will be with us always.” Archbishop Gomez repeated his call encouraging LA Catholics to “join in communion” for the celebration of Mass remotely via internet livestream, television, or radio following the suspension of public Masses announced March 16th.
As of (Mar. 16), the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has suspended all Masses amid the current health threat due to COVID-19. You can read the full statement HERE. We affirm Archbishop Gomez: this decision "was not made lightly" and "in consultation with the Archdiocese's auxiliary bishops, Council of Priests, lay advisors, and government and public health officials.