The Knights of Columbus, Council 3254, is a Catholic fraternal organization serving the local parishes of St. Bede, Holy Redeemer, and St. James. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, and other works. The council serves the local parish schools through pancake breakfasts for 8th Grade graduate scholarships for the the parish schools and sponsors a spelling bee. Assistance is also provided at parish events, such as the Parish Birthday Party, throughout the year.
Council 3254 annually raises money for Rancho San Antonio (Boys Town of the West), the Special Olympics, and supports Tierra Del Sol. Other volunteering opportunities include helping the Montrose Octoberfest, the La Canada Gladiators, and supporting a Red Cross Blood Drive.
The Knights of Columbus Council 3254 participates in many liturgical celebrations throughout the Archdiocese. The Knights, as they are known, are always looking for Catholic men to join.
Contact the Parish Center at 818-949-4300.