January 29, 2025
I am very proud of our Eaton Fire outreach. We have a whole host of volunteers striving to assist those in need with paperwork, financial assistance, etc. This is our top priority at the moment as we all deal with the shock and trauma and displacement of many. I don’t have an answer for why these things have to happen; I sure wish I knew. Regardless, I do know that God is with us.January 11, 2025
Dear St. Bede Community,
Yesterday's lifting of our La Canada mandatory evacuation order and change to evacuation warning status is great news that will now allows us to celebrate Mass together this weekend as a community within a limited Mass schedule on Sunday only.
St. Bede will hold the following Masses on Sunday, January 12. There will be NO evening Masses on Saturday at 5:30 pm or Sunday at 4:30 pm.
7:30 am - Fr. Jim Bevacqua
9:00 am - Fr. Christopher Iwancio
11:00 am - Fr. Jim Bevacqua
For those unable to attend in-person, we are doing our best to make a livestream or recorded version of today's 11:00 am Mass available on our website. Please be patient and understand that our power is still touch and go and as of now, we still have no internet.
While we continue to navigate the changing nature of these devastating fires in our community, we are grateful for this opportunity to join together to pray for all those suffering great losses and for continued strength and safety for our entire community, and for our heroic firefighters and first responders.
The School will remain closed through Monday, January 13, with current plans for students to return on to campus on Tuesday, January 14. Details will be sent directly to our school families.
The Parish Center and Church will open on Monday, January 13 conditions and power/internet permitting.
We will continue to communicate updated plans as they unfold.
God protect us all.
January 10, 2025
Dear St. Bede Community,
This morning we received important information from Mayor Davitt's office advising that all mandatory evacuation orders for La Canada Flintridge remain in place. La Canada continues to be at fire risk, and all residents have been heavily impacted and displaced, although La Canada itself has sustained no significant losses within the city limits. You can read Mayor Davitt's update at the link below.
While we were hoping and planning to reopen for this weekend's services, unfortunately, that is not possible at this time. Without power or internet, even a Livestream Mass is not possible.
The School, Church and Parish Center are closed through Monday, January 13. We will re-evaluate Monday morning and communicate updated plans at that time.
In the meantime, we are working to compile a list of needs for families in our community that have suffered losses. We know needs will include gift cards for food, clothing, toiletries, etc., as well as used school uniforms.
We understand many of you are looking for ways to help. Please use this opportunity to begin procuring gift cards, used or new clothing items in various sizes, toiletries, etc. As soon as our campuses are able to reopen we will open a Donation Center at St. Bede for the families in need.
Additionally, the Archdiocese of LA has also set up the donation link below for those wishing to donate outside of our parish community.
'Please keep praying for all those suffering in the wildfires sweeping through southern California. My heart goes out to our neighbors who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Let’s pray for them and let’s pray for our firefighters and first responders. May God keep all of our brothers and sisters safe and bring end to these fires! '– Archbishop Gomez
Keeping our St. Bede community especially close in my heart and prayers. Stay safe.
Fr. Jim Bevacqua | Pastor
January 9, 2025
Dear St. Bede Community,
As the devastating wildfires that have impacted so many in our community who are displaced and suffering unimaginable loss continue, please know you are all in my constant thoughts and prayers. While I am safe, my heart breaks for our brothers and sisters and many of our own parishioners and friends who have lost their homes. I ask that we all join together to lift and support them in prayer as we navigate other ways to offer our assistance as well.
Our Parish Center, Church, and School campuses remain under mandatory evacuation and will be closed for the remainder of the week through Friday, January 10 and as of now plan to reopen Saturday, January 11 starting with our 5:30 pm Saturday Mass, unless communicated otherwise. Please check your email, our website and social media for updates.
There are a number of opportunities to gather in prayer for those impacted by the fires and to pray for future protection as follows:
Archbishop José Gomez will be joined by Bishop Matthew Elshoff, Bishop Brian Nunes and Bishop Albert Bahhuth to celebrate special Masses for the victims and first responders in each of the respective pastoral regions that have been impacted.
All the Masses will be livestreamed at https://lacatholics.org/
Special Masses for all Impacted by the Wildfires
TODAY, Thursday, January 9:
Friday, January 10
(Locations are subject to change due to the movement of the fires and possible evacuation orders. Please visit https://lacatholics.org/
It is at times like this that I am especially grateful for our amazing faith community here at St. Bede. ALL of us are impacted , most of us displaced, and many have lost their homes and all of their possessions. With broken hearts, I know we will surround them with love.
If you are one of our families impacted by this disaster, please reach out to us and let us know how we can best support and assist you and and your family.
Call the Front office at 818-949-4300.
You can also complete the form below to let us know your immediate needs.
Be assured I am working with our staff on specific plans to offer additional support and will be in touch shortly with more detail. For now, please join me to pray: